Janet Jackson - Rhythm Nation

Rhythm Nation 1814
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Жанр: R'n'B
Исполнитель: Janet Jackson
Альбом: Rhythm Nation 1814
Длительность: 05:31
Размер: 12,75 Мб
Рейтинг: 10198
Текст песни: Есть
Загрузил: timurmongol
320 Кб/с

Janet Jackson - Rhythm Nation

Текст песни "Janet Jackson - Rhythm Nation"

With music by our side To break the color lines Let's work together To improve our way of life Join voices in protest To social injustice A generation full of courage Come forth with me CHORUS: People of the world today Are we looking for a better way of life We are a part of the rhythm nation People of the world unite Strength in numbers we can get it right One time We are a part of the rhythm nation This is the test No struggle no progress Lend a hand to help Your brother do his best Things are getting worse We have to make them better It's time to give a damn Let's work together come on
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