Army Of Lovers - Crucified (Radio Edit)

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Жанр: Dance-Pop
Исполнитель: Army Of Lovers
Альбом: Crucified
Длительность: 03:33
Размер: 8,14 Мб
Рейтинг: 4118
Текст песни: Есть
Загрузил: nehoroshev74
320 Кб/с

Army Of Lovers - Crucified (Radio Edit)

Текст песни "Army Of Lovers - Crucified (Radio Edit)"

I’m La Dominika from Army Of Lovers The holy hoe of Babylon Come all you faithful and rest In my Babylonian sexworker bossoms I'm crucified Crucified like my Saviour Saintlike behavior A lifetime I prayed I'm crucified For the holy dimension Godlike ascension Heavens away I've seen the deepest darkness And wrestled with Gods Ride the noble harness Raining cats and dogs I stand before my Maker Like Moses on the hill My Guinness record baker I abide your will The first of reciter I saw eternal light Best of vocal fighter Beyond human sight Where thorns are a teaser I've played a double jeu Yherushalaim at Easter I cry I pray mon Dieu I cry I pray mon Dieu I'm crucified Crucified like my Saviour Saintlike behavior A lifetime I prayed I'm crucified For the holy dimension Godlike ascension Heavens away Prophets I've been reading Stories I've been told Before I end my breathing I travel in the soul Where thorns are a teaser I've played a double jeu Yherushalaim at Easter I cry I pray mon Dieu I cry I pray mon Dieu I cry I pray mon Dieu Adieu mon Dieu I'm crucified Crucified like my Saviour Saintlike behavior A lifetime I prayed I'm crucified For the holy dimension Godlike ascension Heavens away
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