Entombed - Sinners Bleed

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Жанр: Death Metal
Исполнитель: Entombed
Альбом: Clandestine
Длительность: 05:10
Размер: 11,88 Мб
Рейтинг: 4353
Текст песни: Есть
Загрузил: Shadow_Angel
320 Кб/с

Entombed - Sinners Bleed

Текст песни "Entombed - Sinners Bleed"

My skin is dripping from blood for that moment I sighed in relief but I was not just going to be dying I was going to bleed like sinners bleed Paralyzed by the fear for something I could not believe a paradise to some but hell to suckers like me unspeakable sights I behold they're freezing and teasing my mind terrorized by the essence from beyond the dimensions of another kind Moving lights passes nihility in which I fell descent into fright when I was slowly send down to hell Scarlet black all I see the void caught up with my eyes the horrid wait suffers me please set me free I just want to die [Lead: Cederlund] Palace of confusion castle of pain beneath these walls of power I'm lost in hells Domain I am scattered in my own blood I am losing all my beliefs but I was not just going to be dying I am bleeding like sinners bleed
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