Six Feet Under - Revenge Of The Zombie

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Жанр: Death Metal
Исполнитель: Six Feet Under
Альбом: Warpath
Длительность: 02:50
Размер: 6,5 Мб
Рейтинг: 4584
Текст песни: Есть
Загрузил: magicman
320 Кб/с

Six Feet Under - Revenge Of The Zombie

Текст песни "Six Feet Under - Revenge Of The Zombie"

From the grave I will escape Maggots crawl from out my skull The worms they feed upon my brain The life I lost I now regain And my skin has molded green Bullet holes through flesh and bone Half my face rotted off I wait to drink your fucking blood - blood! Hunting - killing Murderous - I'll cut your fucking head off! A butcher's knife clenched in my fist Revenge of the Zombie Stabbing you to fucking death Revenge of the Zombie Hacking eyes right from your face Revenge of the Zombie I feed upon your dying brain Revenge of the Zombie To live your life in horrid pain Revenge of the Zombie Open sores start to decay Revenge of the Zombie New human beings I create Revenge of the Zombie From my spell you can't escape Revenge of the Zombie
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Пожаловаться 09.03.2018 14:47:52
Обалденная песенка, я прям в пляс пускаюсь!)
Пожаловаться 10.03.2019 13:16:33
Ага, заводная :146-in-love-4:


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