Morpheus Project - On The Edge (2023)

On The Edge

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Жанр: Progressive Rock
Исполнитель: Morpheus Project
Дата релиза: 2023
Лейбл: Нет данных
Тип: Студийный альбом
Загрузил: roman6673
Добавлено: 16.09.2023
Mustafa Khetty - vocal
Mitchell Emms - vocal
Alex Huthchings - guitar
Anton Davidyants - bass
Gabor Dornyei - drums
Rossano Capriotti - piano

Песни в альбоме
Morpheus Project - On The Edge (2023)

04:35 | 320 Кб/с
10,68 Мб
Morpheus Project

On The Edge

04:42 | 320 Кб/с
08:10 | 320 Кб/с
02:48 | 320 Кб/с
04:20 | 320 Кб/с
09:58 | 320 Кб/с
06:18 | 320 Кб/с
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Игорь Игорь
Пожаловаться 17.09.2023 11:34:27
альбом понравился - правельный, разносторонний, качественный с сильными композициями!
а где базируются эти музыканты? присутствует ощущение интернационализма. альбому - 9+! :082-cyclops: :093-ugly-2: :104-in-love-8: :107-ugly:
Пожаловаться 17.09.2023 11:53:11
Задумки неплохие - ну что-то не хватает
Пожаловаться 01.10.2023 21:05:23
“On The Edge,” the album’s Rock and Metal undertones are brought to the fore on an explosive blending of virtuoso heavily distorted guitars, intricate keys, tight punching drums, and complex bass lines under the soaring lead vocals. Yearning, expressive and high-octane, the track combines the band’s intelligent writing, astounding musicianship, and vexing lyricism to great effect.


Mustafa Khetty met presidents and kings, saw empires fall, traded in gold bullion and became a tech entrepreneur, as he migrated through rarefied realms of privilege in the Middle and Far East. That dream began aged 11, when he left Sri Lanka for Ireland, where classical and prog music both claimed him. But buried inside him was the Irish schoolboy who lived to make music during the high days of prog, till his Sri Lankan parents’ disapproval ripped those ambitions away. By 1981 he was instead in the World Trade Center, witnessing the ferocious behaviour dramatised in The Wolf of Wall Street first-hand. Resigning for the sake of his soul, he built a lucrative Tech business. Quitting this too in 2017, he had soon written Mozaick’s title track, with its Middle Eastern blues and intricate sonic tapestry. “I’m coming back to a love affair,” he blissfully reflects. Mustafa lives between Sri Lanka, Turkey and UK/Ireland.

Mustafa‘s background is as diverse as the world he traverses—a true enigma, an original soul. He breaks the boundaries and shatters the conventions that confine ordinary lives. With a mind that veers into the realm of a hermit, he becomes a keen observer of the ever-changing tapestry of our world. The intricate dance of societal, political, technological, and economic forces unfolds before his discerning eyes, and he, like a sage, deciphers the hidden patterns that shape our collective destiny. Mustafa is the embodiment of a seeker, a rebel, & a dreamer. His story is a symphony of resilience, passion, and an unyielding desire to explore the vast universe of human existence. A global citizen, he leaves a trail of wonder and awe, reminding us that life is meant to be lived boldly, fearlessly, and with a heart that refuses to be confined.
Пожаловаться 01.10.2023 21:07:57
Второй альбом интернационального проекта под руководством классического композитора Мустафы Хетти, родом из Шри-Ланки.
Пожаловаться 01.10.2023 21:22:40
Мустафы - они все такие гениальные! :148-bang:

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