RES - Registrazioni e Suoni

Описание: Our intent is to give "visibility" to boundary sounds, to possible musics, RES is a record label having research and respect for the artist as foundations. [b][u]Research:[/u][/b] The curiosity of discovering various ways of artistic creativity in the musical world giving room and voice to all what can't be reduced into the "pop-rock" category, to all those works of art that place themself on the borders not aiming to isolation but in the research of new possible artistic languages. [u][b]Respect for the artist:[/u][/b] Like some other idependent labels, also RES - Registrazioni e Suoni (Recordings & Sounds), places itself as a vehicle for the artist, without any will to seize exclusive rights, keeping the artist as the sole owner of its artwork.
  • Аплоадер: tolov
  • Добавлен: 02.10.2016
  • Рейтинг: 6,33


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