Par Media Music

Описание: Лицензионное соглашение № МЗ-2/98/2003 от 25.08.03 Russian label, the items are illegal unlicensed bootlegs of the original artist's and label's releases. Releases state 'Для продаж на территории России' (Only for selling in the territory of Russia). Private research from a Discogs user in Russia, who had also met the label owner personally, revealed the following info: PAR MEDIA MUSIC has been releasing the records beginning from about 2002 under the title of J SHP, then it changed its name into PAR MEDIA MUSIC. In 2006 it was closed due to its founder's death. All the releases are of 500 copies and less. The label's activity had rather non-profit but more illuminating character for jazz musicians and their close environment. The CDs were not for sale neither in Moscow nor in Russia but were only available from the label owner and his close associates. All the CDs are of a good quality, made with respect to performers, unlike other slapdash pirate products. It is said that the label owner negotiated the copyright questions with its owners as well as fees and royalties issues at some point, the outcome of this remains unknown.
Drums of Death
  • Аплоадер: fitagen
  • Добавлен: 12.07.2008
  • Рейтинг: 8,75
Нет данных
Год релиза: 2005
  • Аплоадер: oieuverj
  • Добавлен: 11.10.2008
  • Рейтинг: 8,25
Год релиза: 2002
  • Аплоадер: Lozarg
  • Добавлен: 30.11.2008
  • Рейтинг: 9,00
Год релиза: 2005
Other Directions
  • Аплоадер: rineheart
  • Добавлен: 22.03.2010
  • Рейтинг: 8,00
  • Аплоадер: GDMFSOB
  • Добавлен: 01.04.2010
  • Рейтинг: 7,57
Год релиза: 2003
Eliane Elias Plays Jobim
  • Аплоадер: A-E-C
  • Добавлен: 18.05.2012
  • Рейтинг: 9,50
Chamber Works
  • Аплоадер: savage1205
  • Добавлен: 08.05.2014
  • Рейтинг: 9,83
Passing Ships
  • Аплоадер: dethden
  • Добавлен: 16.03.2015
  • Рейтинг: 9,33
Год релиза: 1969
  • Аплоадер: Kind angel
  • Добавлен: 31.07.2016
  • Рейтинг: 10,00
Год релиза: 2005


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