Cradle Of Filth - Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids

Cruelty And The Beast
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Жанр: Gothic Metal / Sympho Black / Vampiric Metal
Исполнитель: Cradle Of Filth
Альбом: Cruelty And The Beast
Длительность: 07:19
Размер: 16,74 Мб
Рейтинг: 11209
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320 Кб/с

Cradle Of Filth - Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids

Текст песни "Cradle Of Filth - Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids"

"Hear Me now! All crimes should be treasured If they bring Thee Pleasure somehow..." Maleficent in dusky rose Gathered satin lapped Her breasts Like blood upon the snow A tourniquet of Topaz Glistened at Her throat Awakening, pulled from the tomb Her spirit freed eclipsed the moon That She outshone as a fallen star A regal ornament from a far flung nebular Her likeness hung in the black gallery Commanding unease Demanding of Death to breathe... Midst the whirl and daylight fauna Of society at court Elizabeth bedazzled, Her presence sought applause Though Her torchlit shadow Thrown upon damp cellar walls Greeted nothing but despair from slaves Her nights enthralled Thirteen Winter solstices had shown Her path, that the dark Had marked its dominion Spaying the confessor Whose caresses she'd known, As whipcord in the House of Dog Her cold cunt meat on holy bone Raped of faith, She now embraced The narcissistic unrest frozen on the mirror's face With this disdain, inside these veins (Highborn wanton that She was) She sought to keep what age would claim Her soul was sold and for this toll Reeking pyres ever smouldered On the whims of one so in control Elizabeth, mysterious. Cruelty brought thee orchids From the bowels of the abyss Once upon atrocity when midwitches stifled cries And carved abortive runes in reddened wombs Exhumed by scrying eyes Madness came upon Her like an amourous lover's seed Lifesblood splashed upon Her skin In gouts torture unleashed And to Her dead reflection Twas as if Her pallor gleamed Like an angel's warmed by candles Where erotic stains had cleaved So demons dragged this libertine Lusts screaming for release Upon the flesh of maidens preened As canvas for caprice Exacting obeisance Her gaze held a seance Of spirits too trapped under glass to commune A sleeter mistress than Luna Whose threats to consume Her Met with torments giving vent to Her swoon Flat on Her back Pack-prey for the reams Of verses and curses That haunted Her dreams Midnightmare chimed Thirteen in Her mind A disciple of scars Branded years hissed behind Ridden split-thighed By the Father of lies An ovation of wolves Blushed the skies as they writhed But Heaven is never forever She came, a spent storm From the clouds... Leaving serpents in office Inside every gate To lick righteous holes Blinding Lords to the fate Of virgins forced naked To defile on rent knees Hacked and racked backwards Menses choking their pleas "More. Whore. More. Twitching make me wet with thee Carcass rub me raw" And to Her dead reflection Twas as if Her pallor gleamed Like an angel's warmed by candles Where erotic stains had cleaved So demons dragged this libertine Lusts screaming for release Upon the flesh of maidens preened As canvas for caprice Cruelty and the beast Cruelty and the beast Cruelty and the beast Raped of faith, She now embraced The narcissistic unrest frozen on the mirror's face With this disdain, inside these veins (Highborn wanton that She was) She sought to keep what age would claim Her soul was sold and for this toll Reeking pyres ever smouldered On the whims of one so in control Elizabeth, mysterious. Cruelty brought thee orchids From the bowels of the abyss From the bowels of the . . . ABYSS! . . . Вредоносная, в сумеречном розовом атласном платье С оборками, что стянули ее груди, словно кровь на снегу Топазовый турникет, сверкал на ее горле Пробужденный, ее дух свободно вылез из могилы, затмив луну Это она светила еще ярче, как падшая звезда Царское украшение с далекой туманности Ее портрет висит в мрачной галереи Беспокойство господствует, нуждается в смертельном вздо
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