Unbirth - Tumults Of Collective Anguishes

Fleshforged Columns Of Deceit
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Жанр: Brutal Death / Technical Death
Исполнитель: Unbirth
Альбом: Fleshforged Columns Of Deceit
Длительность: 04:38
Размер: 10,95 Мб
Рейтинг: 283
Текст песни: Есть
Загрузил: мурлоня
320 Кб/с

Unbirth - Tumults Of Collective Anguishes

Текст песни "Unbirth - Tumults Of Collective Anguishes"

Excessive measures derived from impoverished moralities, biopolitical biases that eradicate any matter. Ruthless logics machined by pathetic philanthropies, transcend all Deceased human conscience... Ruthless logics produced by abysmal cosmogonies, bodies used as mines to extract plusvalue. Surrounded by aberrant guilts, the ego implodes on itself. Slain by inconclusiveness, the guillotine of censorship falls on free thought. Expulsion, Radiation, Eviction, The silencers of worlds. With social intricacies we destroy the clarity of all lives, we must forcefully resort to the skimming of pure genius. A return to earth, with totalitarian obliteration A return to earth, of ethical imperialism Cadaveric immolation of nations, the guillotine of censorship falls on free thought again. Expulsion, Radiation, Eviction, The silencers of worlds.
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