Все песни Barton - всего 18 треков
Самые популярные альбомы Barton:
Papik - Ancora Tu (Featuring Alan Scaffardi) | Led Zeppelin - The Lemon Song | The Traveling Wilburys - Handle With Care | Bed In - CO•CO•RO Graduation | The Traveling Wilburys - Dirty World | Jane - Together | Bed In - 女豹 -PANTHER- | Александр Звинцов - Письмо из далека | Joe Bonamassa - Twenty-Four Hour Blues (Live At The Hollywood Bowl With Orchestra) | Paul McCartney - Ballroom Dancing | Gloria Estefan - Don't Wanna Lose You | Машина Времени - Пока Горит Свеча | Schenker-Pattison Summit - The Stealer | Jason Hill - A Walk Through The Zoo | A Friendly Nuisance | Скакалки - Перепутали | Jack Stauber - I Want Those Cars | David Gilmour - Between Two Points | David Gilmour - Sings | Smokie - Living Next Door To Alice | Freddie Mercury,Montserrat Caballé - The Golden Boy | Led Zeppelin - Your Time Is Gonna Come | Led Zeppelin - Black Mountain Side | Smokie - What Can I Do | Smokie - Needles And Pins | Paul McCartney - Good Times Coming-Feel The Sun | Plazma - Lonely 2 | Пелагея - Калинушка | Shaun Murphy - Ocean Of Tears | Paul Mauriat - Viens Viens | Поющие гитары - Нет Тебя Прекрасней (1972)
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